Saturday, October 30, 2010

Berkshire Coffeehouse Porter

Hello everyone, tonight I will be reviewing Berkshire Coffeehouse Porter. I have had this particular beer many times, both on tap and in a bottle, and tonight I am going to give you my opinion of it. As I mentioned in a previous post, this beer is my favorite porter by far, and definitely one of my favorite beers in general.

If you want to purchase this brew at your local package store, you will most likely only be able to find it in 22oz. bottles. These bottles usually cost around $4.99 plus tax. If you are lucky enough to find this brew on tap, you could pay anywhere from $4 to around $5.25. If you are in the Rhode Island area, The Mews Tavern has this brew on tap for around $5.25. Also, Track 84 also has this brew on tap for only $4! Both of these establishments serve this brew in 16oz. pint glasses.

The appearance of this beer is extremely dark. If you get this beer on tap, you are able to see the thick cream colored head fall to the bottom of the pint glass. It looks like a beer waterfall. It is very impressive, and fun to watch. The aroma of this beer is fantastic. One can smell dark chocolate, roasted malt, caramel, and toffee. The taste of this beer is just like the smell...fantastic. When the beer first enters your mouth, it is very thick and creamy. If you have a beard like I do, the foam will definitely stick to your moustache. Dark chocolate and roasted malt fill your palate. On the after taste, you get the bitterness of the dark chocolate and more of the roasted malt taste. This is definitely dessert in a glass.

This beer definitely gets a thumbs up from me. I am not alone with my love for this beer. Many other people also love this beer as well. Don't let the dark complexion of this beer scare you away. This beer might be thick, but it is full of flavor. So give it a try if you haven't already, you don't know what you're missing out on!

Cheers Everyone!!

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