Saturday, November 13, 2010

Samuel Adams Brewery Tour

Hello everyone Fontes here, on Thursday, Antonio and I, along with our friend Mike took a tour of the Samuel Adams Brewery. This brewery is located in Jamaica Plains, Massachusetts which is just outside of Boston.  The tour itself is free. They just ask for a $2 donation which is donated to two diffferent Boston charities. The tour starts off by the tour guide bringing you to the ingredients room. In this room they tell you the type of ingredients they use to brew various types of Samuel Adams beer. On this particular day, the tour guide passed around samples of caramel 60 malt, pale malt, chocolate malt, and a type of German hop. In the case of the malts, you could actually taste them if you chose to. I tasted all of them!
After the ingredient room, the tour guide brings you into the actual brewery. Remember the two breweres who you always see on the Samuel Adams commercial? Remember the brewer with the long beard? Well, his name is Bob Cannon and I saw him at the brewery! If you were wondering, the brewers you see on the commercials are not actors. They are actual Samuel Adams employees who actually brew beer for the company. The brewery itself is actually one of three Samuel Adams breweries. This particular brewery now only brews experimental beers. Their actual botteling plants are located in Ohio, and Pennsyvania. However, it was still nice to see how an actual brewery worked.
After the tour guide finishes showing you the actual brewing floor, they then bring you to my personal favorite part of the entire brewery...the tasting room! Inside the tasting room the give you a very nice 7 ounce tasting glass which is yours to keep. The tour guide then passes out pitchers...that's right pitchers of Samuel Adams beer. You start off with Samuel Adams Boston Lager. Then you sample their seasonal beer that they have out. When we went on Thursday, they still had Octoberfest on tap. Then you get to try Samuel Adams Boston Brick Red Ale. This beer is very special because you can only find it on tap in Boston. On this particular day, these were the only beers that we were allowed to sample, but this is the second time Antonio and I visited the brewery. The first time we visited we also got to sample Samuel Adams Coget. This beer is also very special because you can only find it at the brewery. They only make it for the tour groups. This beer was also very enjoyable.
After the tasting room, the tour is over. You can look through their gift shop, or walk around their entrance area and view their numerous plaques and trophies that they have won at various beer competitions. BUT, you can also take a free bus ride over to Doyle's. Doyle's is the oldest Irish Pub in America. It was created in the late 1800s and not much has changed since then. When you walk in, it is almost like you step back in time. The place has an awesome atmosphere. When you are there, you can present the bartender with a slip that you get before you take the Sam Adams tour. If you order a pint of Sam Adams on tap, then you get to keep the Samuel Adams Perfect Pint Glass. This is a great deal. A pint of Sam Adams on tap at Doyles is $4.50. The Sam Adams gift shop sells just the pint glass for $8.50! You'd be crazy not to go to Doyles to get the pint glass for a cheaper you get beer! Doyles also has Samuel Adams Boston Brick Red Ale on tap.
Overall, this was an awesome trip. I definitely suggest anyone in the Boston area take a trip to the brewery if you get a chance. It is a fun and inexpensive way to have a good time in the Boston area. Plus you get to learn a thing or two about how Samuel Adams makes their beer. I will be posting pictures of our trip shortly (Probably later tonight). If you live far away from Boston, but still want to take a "tour" of the brewery then here is a great video of the Samuel Adams Brewery.

Cheers Everyone!!

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