Friday, November 19, 2010

Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout

Hello everyone, Fontes here. Last night I sat down to enjoy Brooklyn Brewing Company's Black Chocolate Stout and today I am here to give you my opinion of it. I purchased this beer from my local liquor store in a four pack for $6.99 plus tax. I drank this beer from a standard pint glass after pouring it from the bottle.

After pouring the beer from the bottle into the pint glass, the appearance is extremely dark. When you hold the glass up to a light, there is no light shining through this beer at all. Once poured into a glass, an off white, creamy head forms, but dissipates quickly. This beer also packs a punch, at 10% alcohol by volume. However, even though this beer is extremely dark and high in alcohol, it is dangerously drinkable. This is a very easy to drink stout, and with such a high alcohol percentage, one has to be careful not to drink too many of these beers too quickly.

The smell of this beer is fantastic. I picked up dark chocolate and mild coffee aromas with a slight smell of the alcohol present in the background. The taste of this beer is even better. This beer gives off strong chocolate flavors, with dark chocolate being the most predominant flavor that I tasted. The dark chocolate flavor leaves a nice bittersweet taste on your palate. The alcohol definitely comes through not only with the smell, but also with the taste. It provides a nice bite that is subtle, but noticeable nonetheless. Since the dark chocolate taste is the most predominant flavor in this beer, the after taste reminds me of these...yum. As I said before, this beer is very drinkable. The mouthfeel of this beer is very light, and almost kind of watered down. However, the taste is excellent and this is still a fantastic stout.

This beer gets a definite thumbs up from me. As I have said in the past, I love and appreciate the great flavor of Young's Double Chocolate Stout. However, with that said, let me make myself very clear when I say that Brooklyn Brewing Company's Black Chocolate Stout is my favorite stout of all time. This beer has the rich dark chocolate flavor that I love. It has a nice alcohol bite to it, and a very impressive alcohol percentage to it. And it is only available during the winter season so it makes me appreciate the beer more. To put it simply, Brookly Brewing Company's Black Chocolate Stout is fantastic. And if you're still not convinced that you must try this beer, take a look at what other beer enthusiasts are saying. I think you will like what you see. So make sure you pick up a four pack of this beer asap. The winter season is going to be gone before you know it, and so will this beer, so enjoy it while it lasts!

Cheers Everyone!!  

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