Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Beer Rant

Hello everyone, Fontes here. Let me first start off by saying, I hope everyone here in the United States had a very happy and relaxing Thanksgiving with your families. I know I did. On Thanksgiving I was sitting down with my family eating turkey and watching football, like many people across the country do on this holiday. However, while I was watching football, I noticed something very frustrating. I've always noticed this, but it especially frustrated me last Thursday. What was it that frustrated me so much, you may ask?

It was the bombardment of horrible beer commercials that aired throughout every football game on every channel. Now this is nothing new. I bet if you turn on your television right now, you could find a beer commerical on at least one channel from either Budweiser, Miller, or Coors.

But how did this happen? I mean how did we as a society come to think that Bud Light is a real beer? How did we as a society come to think that light beer is even a type of beer to begin wiith? You don't believe me, when I say that light beer has consumed our society? Take a look at these examples: example #1, example #2, example #3, example #4, example #5.

That's FIVE EXAMPLES of how light beer has infiltrated our society. In the Bud Light commercial, they say that their beer is a sure sign of a good time. In the Miller Light commercial, they say that their beer is a real beer and has actual taste. In the Coors Light commerical, the man can't wait to get his hands on a pack of Coors Light. In the Keystone Light commercial, they portray the man as being ultra smooth because they claim that their beer is always smooth. In the Natural Light commercial, they portray people having a great time while drinking their beer.

To be totally honest, you could put five blank cups full of each of those beers in front of me and I would not be able to tell which one was which, no matter how long I sat their and drank them. These beers have no taste and yet so many people swear by these beers. I know people who say things light, "I'm a Bud Light man" or "I'm a Coors Light man." Next time you hear someone say that, give them a plastic cup full of a different kind of light beer and I bet you that they will not be able to tell the difference.

These major beer companies today have brainwashed the male beer drinker into thinking that light beer is a man's drink. What is so manly about drinking watered down beer that has no taste? I always hear these guys who are well over 200 pounds say that they could easily drink 12 Bud Light's. Well I hope they could, because Bud Light is only 4.2%. I weight 120 pounds and I could drink 12 of those beers. There is nothing manly about drinking light beer.

Then I hear people say that they drink light beer because it doesn't have as many calories. Are you serious?? If you have to worry about your calorie intake when you are drinking beer, then you should not be drinking beer in the first place.

Thankfully, after decades of the mass population in America being brainwashed by these large scale beer companies, a shift in the beer world is taking place. Large numbers of beer drinkers are finally starting to discover the wonderful world of craft beer. Many liquor stores are now starting to have craft beer sections. In the media, there is a new show on the Discovery Channel about Dogfish Head called Brew Masters. Furthermore, there is also a documentary that was released within the last few years about the craft beer movement called Beer Wars.  If you just conduct some quick research on the internet, you can find an abundance of information about the growth of craft beer and the decline of mass produced beer.

Americans have been subjected to crappy beer for too long. Our society today is experiencing a beer revolution. People are expanding their palates by trying and discovering great tasting craft beer. For those of you reading this who drink mass produced, watered down beer, I am pleading with you. At least give craft beer a chance. There are so many different styles and breweries to choose from, I am sure you will find a style and a brewery that you can be happy and satisfied with. I am confident that as the years progress, the craft beer market will increase and it is my hope and dream that one day these major beer producers will be a thing of the past. That concludes my rant...for now.

Cheers everyone!!

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