Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sam Adams Blackberry Witbier

Today I will be reviewing Sam Adams Blackberry Witbier. This is a little rare for me since I tend to stay away from white, wheat, and Belgian ales. Regardless, everyone once in a while I'll indulge.
I am reviewing this particular beer poured from a 12 oz bottle into a snifter glass.
It pours a nice hazy-golden color with a white head that dissipates rather quickly. A powerful aroma of blackberries is immediately brought out from the pour. I found this beer to have a prominent taste of blackberries and wheat. As the beer warms up a little, I picked up a mellow malt characteristic.
Overall, this is a nice thirst quencher. I found it very refreshing and crisp, better for the spring and summer. As I do enjoy these characteristics year-round, I will give it a thumbs up.
Cheers, Antonio.

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