Friday, September 3, 2010

Samuel Adams Octoberfest

Hello everyone, this is Fontes. Ah it's that time of the year again. The days get shorter, the temperature starts to drop, and there's a surplus of great seasonal beers at your local liquor store. It may only be early September, but October is right around the corner and that means it's time for Octoberfest! That's right, tonight I'm sitting down enjoying some Samuel Adams Octoberfest. This beer is simply fantastic. Each drink reminds me of a cool Autumn day. This beer has a nice red amber color to it. The color of this beer is perfect for the season. In Autumn, the color of leaves start to turn a reddish hue. The color of this beer resembles that perfectly. I get a strong smell of roasted malt with a slight smell of hops from this beer. The smell of malts is very apparent since the brewers at Samuel Adams use five different types of malt during the brewing process in order to create this particular beer. The taste is very similar to how it smells. When the beer first entered my mouth, I got a strong taste of roasted malt. After swallowing, the roasted malt flavor still lingered while giving way to a slight hoppy taste. Overall, I found that the end result tasted similar to that of a toffee flavor. I am drinking this brew out of a Samuel Adams pint glass. I purchased this brew in a six pack from my local liquor store for 8.99 plus tax. I definitely give this beer a thumbs up.

Just picture yourself sitting outside on a cool fall night in October. The sky is crystal clear. The leaves are on the ground. The smell of burning wood is in the air. And an ice cold Samuel Adams Octoberfest is in your hand! What could be better than that? Cheers everyone!

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